Summary: Polyphony is an amalgam of my thoughts about crypto and life. Subscribe for reflections, philosophies, reading material, reviews, interviews, and more.

Transmuting early concepts of harmony, Polyphony is a formal musical texture that contains at least two or more lines of independent melody. Often associated with Renaissance music and Baroque forms, such as Bach's "Little" Fugue in G minor, other subtypes of polyphonic music include canons, Dixieland, Heterophonic, and Iso.

On a more abstract note, I can’t help but feel that its nature is somewhat symbolic of life. Because while freewheeling systems and people move on seemingly singular rhythms, they are at once, for better or worse, entwined. All layers of the same everlasting, omniscient canvas. Worlds within worlds within worlds resonating in a polyphonic state. Some are faster than others, others are slower than some, and more still are just beginning.

The same analogy could apply to Ethereum as well. As through its ever-expansive ecosystem, layers of dApps, DeFi mechanisms, and NFTs all bounce off each other and add harmonic depth to the same algorithmic texture and score that is the underlying protocol. And perhaps in an even broader context, one could argue that under the umbrella of open finance, open-source, and open data (Web3), Bitcoin and Ethereum are also polyphonous - playing separately yet together.

(Pepe image sourced: here)

Rambles and hodgepodge aside, inspired by the passion I have for music and Web3, such is the raison d’être for the name of this substack.

In short, Polyphony is a place to document my ongoing meanderings with NFTs, smart contracts, games, dApps etc. Although my "crypto" journey began in 2018 and has involved a range of disparate experiences, like working briefly for CEXs, hedge funds, and freelancing articles, only recently have I gained enough confidence to try grow an independent readership.

While I’m by no means an expert (and nothing here should be construed as financial advice), you can expect to read a combination of research pieces, lessons from setbacks, philosophies, paradigms, interviews, and summaries of my progress learning solidity for creative projects and perhaps (if I’m lucky) to collaborate with the OGs one day. Also nestled throughout are personal interests and recommended readings on things I believe are essential to the goodness of life i.e. art, health, music, and whatever can nourish the mind, body, and spirit.

My bio, literary portfolio and associated links can be found here:


Literary portfolio:

Creative Bio:



Why subscribe?

Subscribe to get full access to various aspects of the newsletter as I continue working on it. Along with the components I mentioned above, this will also include:

M’s Library: Sharing updates on a smaller version of what I’m working on building with “Knowhere” (an open digital and physical library). In essence M’s library is a curated list of content across the genres of Ethereum, Bitcoin, NFTs, philosophy, psychology, fiction, biographies, etc. you’ll be able to find my summarised notes and links to the original sources on it as well. While there’s no shortage of related content aggregators, I hope it can still be a beloved resource to save you time, energy, or at the very least make you feel a little less overwhelmed in your journey through life.

M’s Coding notes: Occasional notes and summaries of my coding journey.

I’ve also published several interviews, thought pieces, and explainers on media outlets like:






The Ponderware story
Metaversal is a Bankless newsletter for weekly level-ups on NFTs, virtual worlds, & collectibles…
Read more
The Meme Economy
Read more

However, I’ll gradually place more pieces/ content and analysis here. As mentioned, you’ll also be able to find links and recommendations to other writers and channels like the variablezerotwoalpha, Week in Ethereum News, AllCoreDevs Updates, etc.

If you have any suggestions or preferences on topics you’d like to read on substack or as an NFT on Mirror, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Why not Twitter, Medium, or Quora?

I don’t find Twitter fitting for long-form, reflective discourse (yet). Although I’ve published a few words on Medium, the platform doesn’t resonate with me. I prefer Substack. And I use Quora as more of a literary training ground than anything else.

Stay up-to-date and join the crew

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. Every edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox. You’ll also be part of a community who apparently share the same interests? Either way, and as always, thank you for reading.


Although there’s a monthly subscription rate, if you gain any value from my words you’re welcome to donate either Ethereum or Bitcoin below:

Bitcoin: bc1q94x6zlzlurwjgu7c25q33lxn6p7y0ulxm0xx23

Ethereum: 0x701217bb039fa9a9cbdD00b0e67C8b6C2D856E0b

Subscribe to Polyphony

reflections, deep dives, insights, interviews, and analysis about my meanderings through Web3 and life


Writer/builder of things that power and support life.